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Yes, the MyALIV app is available for download in the Google Play Store and Apple's App Store.

Once you enter your phone number & correct password, a code will be sent to your number to complete the sign-in process.

Your email address must be linked to your ALIV account as a security measure for double verification. Select the 'Forgot Password' and enter your phone number then click submit. (Phone number format 2428041234). A password reset confirmation will be sent to the email address linked to your ALIV account. Follow the steps outlined in the email to complete password reset.

If you need to update the email address linked to your ALIV account, call 611 or visit an ALIV store.

The double verification code adds an extra layer of security to your account by ensuring only you can access it, even if someone else knows your password.

Yes. The MyALIV app allows for tracking all plan and top-up usage, as well purchase history.

Yes. You can purchase plans or add-ons with secure credit/debit card checkout, or use available wallet credit. Try the auto-renew feature to stay connected to the people and things that matter to you.

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Please be advised that processing of new customer orders via our credit card payment channels will be unavailable for approximately an hour on January 21, 2025. Beginning at 9:55pm, the following channels will be inaccessible: ALIV e-store,, MyALIV app, and mobile (SMS).